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Media Literacy at Bhakti Mulya 400 Elementary School, Pondok Indah

On April 30, 2024, Yayasan Pundi Amal Peduli Kasih (YPP) SCTV Indosiar conducted Media Literacy counseling activities at SD Bhakti Mulya 400. This activity was attended by 645 students, from Grade 1 to Grade 6.

The counseling focused on wise social media attitudes, anti-bullying, and the dangers of pornography in social media and daily relationships, so that students can handle it wisely and responsibly.

The material was given by Kak Dikar KS, a storyteller & ventriloquist with monka dolls, combined with interactive games, magic, educational video playback, and various simulations that make students happy, while being able to absorb the information conveyed well. Kak Dikar KS, emphasized that children are wiser in using social media and must continue to familiarize themselves with reading, because Gen Alpha children are a visual and intelligent generation.

In addition to providing counseling, YPP also brought the WELI car (Wahana Edukasi Keliling). The children took turns reading and were very enthusiastic.

The Principal of SD Bakti Mulya 400, Mrs. Eliyani Umas, M.Pdi, on behalf of the school, expressed her gratitude for the activities of YPP SCTV Indosiar which are very useful for children to be wise in social media and to understand and be aware of the negative exposure caused by pornography which is very detrimental to them and disrupts the process of mental, mental development including learning concentration.

Student representatives, Navies, from class 5D and Adriana from class 3E expressed their gratitude for this activity because it was very useful, fun and exciting.

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